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About Us

AROW, SWANA, and WCSWMA jointly host the statewide conference.
This partnership has allowed professionals from all aspects of the solid waste & recycling industry to collaborate and learn from one another.
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Associated Recyclers of
Wisconsin (AROW)

An association that provides statewide proactive leadership on waste reduction and recycling through education, advocacy, collaboration, programs and services. AROW strives to bring together Business, Government, Non-profits, 
and Trade Associations.


Conference Committee Members:  Abbie Liedtke, John Peralta, and
Jennifer Semrau

Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) - Badger Chapter

Formed in 1988, the WI Chapter of SWANA serves solid waste professionals throughout Wisconsin.  Our goal as a chapter is to enhance our profession and our members’ careers.



Conference Committee Members: Chad Doverspike, Nate Schneider, and Abby Lichtscheidl

Wisconsin Counties Solid Waste
Management Association (WCSWMA)

The purpose of the Association is to promote effective and environmentally sound solid waste management systems and resource recovery efforts.  The Association promotes communication amongst its members and associates for the exchange of ideas, and provides a forum for the promotion of legislation at the State and Federal levels of government.


Conference Committee Members: Jon Reisenbuechler, Allison Birr, and Ali Rathsack

Conference Coordinators
Recycling Connections

Recycling Connections is contracted by the 3 organizations for conference coordination and administration.


Staff: Susan Schuller, Kelly Adlington, Michelle Nieuwenhuis

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Interested in additional exposure at WIRMC?
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and get seen before, during, and after the conference!
Questions about Sponsoring? Click Here 
Contact: Michelle Nieuwenhuis
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