Sponsor Opportunities 2025
Logo Displayed in All Promotions:
Social Media (AROW, SWANA, WCSWMA, & WIRMC Outlets)
Conference Promotions, both Email and Print
At the event, sponsor logos will be included on a large vinyl poster in the General Session room, and on a poster in (3) breakouts
Complimentary Exhibit Hall Booth Space: Premier Space (10' x 8', pipe & drape, w/ electricity)
Platinum Sponsor Showcase prior to the Awards Ceremony or Keynote:
An exclusive benefit for Platinum Sponsors will be to showcase a 1 minute video clip or up to 2 slides shown prior to the Awards Ceremony or Keynote. (The conference planning team reserves the right to make adjustments if WIRMC receives more than 4 Platinum Sponsors; therefore, some restrictions may apply.)
THREE Complimentary Full Conference Registrations
Logo Displayed in All Promotions:
Social Media (AROW, SWANA, WCSWMA, & WIRMC Outlets)
Conference Promotions, both Email and Print
At the event, sponsor logos will be included on a large vinyl poster in the General Session room, and on a poster in (3) breakouts
Complimentary Exhibit Hall Booth Space: Premier Space (10' x 8', pipe & drape, w/ electricity)
TWO Complimentary Full Conference Registrations
Logo Displayed in All Promotions:
Social Media (AROW, SWANA, WCSWMA, & WIRMC Outlets)
Conference Promotions, both Email and Print
At the event, sponsor logos will be included on a large vinyl poster in the General Session room, in conference app, and on a poster in (3) breakouts
Complimentary Exhibit Hall Booth Space: Premier Space (10' x 8', pipe & drape, w/ electricity)
ONE Complimentary Full Conference Registration
Logo Displayed in All Promotions:
Social Media (AROW, SWANA, WCSWMA, & WIRMC Outlets)
Conference Promotions, both Email and Print
At the event, sponsor logos will be included on a large vinyl poster in the General Session room, and on a poster in (3) breakouts
Recognition at Conference Only:
At the event, supporter will be included on a large vinyl poster in the General Session room and on a poster in (3) breakouts (name recognition only)
Sponsor logo will be included in the conference app