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Presentation slides
WEDNESDAY, February 28th
Workshop 1, 1:30 - 3 pm:
Forward Focused - The Power of Positive Leadership (Anne Uecker, AnneU Speaks)
Workshop 2, 3:30 - 5:00 pm:
Improve Engagement in Your Meetings (Barb Bickford, Bickford Collaboration)
THURSDAY, February 29th
KEYNOTE - 9:00 - 10:00am
TRACK SESSION I - 10:45 - 11:45am
Applying Behavior Change Strategies to Improve Single Family Recycling (Samantha Longshore and Taylor Sorenson, The Recycling Partnership)
Moderated by Jennifer Semrau
Black Goo: Response and Proactive Designs (Lee Daigle, Tetra Tech; Craig Benson, UW-Madison)
Moderated by Nate Schneider
What is your impact? (Daniel Hartsig, WasteCap Resource Solutions)
Moderated by Vinnie Miresse
TRACK SESSION II - 2:30 - 3:30pm
Engaging New Strategies and New Audiences to Increase Waste Reduction (Samantha Worden, Sustain Dane; Baltazar De Anda Santana, Latino Academy of Workforce Development, Inc.; Chris Jimieson, SCS Engineers)
Moderated by Debbi Dodson
Tire Derived Aggregate as an Alternate for Landfill Infrastructure (Sara Beine and Dan Michiels, Foth)
Moderated by Chad Doverspike
State of the Industry Update: New Perspectives (Maddie Palubicki, Tom Ludwick, Dillon Peters, Lee Daigle, Tetra Tech)
Moderated by Lee Daigle
TRACK SESSION III - 3:45 - 4:45pm
Methods and Mayhem: Striving for Zero Waste (Susan Schuller and MaKayla Galecki, Recycling Connections)
Moderated by Allison Birr
Remediation of PFAS using White Rot Fungus (Jerome Segura III, Segura & Sons Mushroom Farm)
Moderated by Jon Reisenbuechler
SWIFR and REO Grant Funds - What we've learned and what's to come (Jennifer Semrau, WI DNR; Susan Mooney, US EPA; Lupe Gutierrez, Foth; Linda Ngyuen, Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa)
Moderated by Angie Lemar
FRIDAY, March 1st
TRACK SESSION IV - 9:00am - 10:00am
Test Your Knowledge - WI DNR Compliance Quiz and Best Practices + Poll Results (Tess Brester, Marcy McGrath, Casey Krausensky, DNR)
Moderated by Chad Doverspike
Decoding Groundwater Analytical Results (Teri Daigle and Logan Dwyer, Tetra Tech; Paul Junio, Pace Analytical Laboratory)
Moderated by Abby Lichtscheidl
Glass Processing, What it takes (Joe Meierhoff, Strategic Materials Inc.; Paul Wittkamp, Ardagh Glass Packaging; Jeffery Nella, GFL Environmental)
Moderated by Jennifer Semrau
TRACK SESSION V - 10:30am - 11:30am
Opportunities for Ag Plastics Recycling (Melissa Kono, UW - Extension)
Moderated by Allison Birr
Geosynthetic Closure Solutions for Waste Sites (Now with Solar!) (John Herrmann, Watershed Ge)
Moderated by Ali Rathsack.
Hauler here, Hauler there, Hauler everywhere (David Hagenbucher, Marathon County Solid Waste Department; Larry Hougom & Kat Thoeny, Hilltopper Refuse and Recycling Service Inc.; Abby Lichtscheidl, Portage County Solid Waste Department; Brent Flikkema, Johns Disposal Service, Inc.)
Moderated by John Peralta
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